Flashback Friday

Flashback Friday – Twin Duet



It was a hot summer’s day in late 1993.   A mother of twins (me) was very tired after another day of looking after Twin1 and Twin2.  To distract them from pulling at each other’s hair, she had spent some time showing them how to play the piano.

That fabulous time of day came when their daddy got home from work.  Another pair of hands and some relief for mum!

These couple of photographs are of the twins playing a duet on the piano for their daddy.  Only parents could get such a thrill at hearing the beautiful tinkling (banging!) tunes of the ivories which they had learnt that day.  They were so proud of themselves!  They never did go on to be pianists though! 😉


Linking up today with The Camera Chronicles: Flashback Friday

The Camera Chronicles - Flashback Friday

11 replies »

    • Thanks Janet. My daughter had piano lessons for a few years too – but alas chucked it in. I had piano lessons in primary school but chucked it in when I was in high school. Such a silly girl I was. I still like to have a play though 🙂


  1. Photos like these beautiful ones, where no one is posing and you capture special moments in time,are just so very precious.Xx


  2. How very cute!! Thought you were going to say they went on to become great pianists hehe. Thanks for linking up – great memory xx


    • Thanks Rita. I learnt the piano for a few years but lost interest during the teenage years. Such a shame but at least I know the basics and can play a tune or two 🙂
