General Mish Mash

A Mish Mash of Thoughts!

Today I have so many thoughts rattling around in my head that I can’t settle on one thing to post about.  I thought instead I’d give you some insight into some of the things rattling around in there!

  1. Today is 1 November.  It’s a very special day.  It’s my dad’s 82nd birthday.  It is scary to have a parent in this age bracket.  We lost dad’s brother, my uncle, just last month.  They were very close all their lives.  He was two years older than dad and was due to turn 84 not long after he passed away.  My dad has been much more fortunate than his brother with his health.  He has some things going on but nothing that stops him from living his life as he wishes.  I’m truly so thankful and grateful that we get to celebrate dad’s 82nd birthday with him.  We will all be getting together on Sunday for lunch.
  2. My boys (Twin1 and Twin2) turn 20 on 19 November!  I can’t believe my boys are this age!  I have no idea what to buy them for their birthday!!  Eeek!
  3. Today I got a parcel in the post!  It’s an eBook!  It’s a FlyBuys points reward.  I followed instructions and downloaded Adobe Digital Editions.  Then I downloaded a free test eBook.  Now I can’t find it.  Did it download to my computer or to the eBook?  Tiny bit frustrated…so have taken time out from it.  I need to read the manual better.  Why do the manuals have to have such tiny print?!!  Here is a photo of my lovely new eBook – isn’t she lovely!  If you’re wondering about the quilt – my mum made it.  My mum is a quilter and we have her beautiful quilts on every bed in our house + more!
  4. I have a huge basket of clean laundry to fold and put away.  Just thought I’d throw that in there as it’s one of the things rattling around in my head!
  5. My boys need hair cuts desperately and yes even at 19 nearly 20, I have to make the appointments and take them!  It is hard to find a time that suits them – with uni study and exams looming.  Anyway – the appointment has been made. CHECK!
  6. My daughter will soon be finished school.  We have lots of events coming up.  Lots of events where all the Year 12 girls will be crying.  The end of an era and all that.  Soon after, MissM goes to schoolies.  Luckily she will not be in the thick of it at the Gold Coast but alas she will be having one whole week away with friends (many with their P’s) and what mum wouldn’t be a little anxious about that?
  7. I have spent ages playing around with a newly downloaded Picasa 3 to design a new cover photo and profile picture for the MinsMash Facebook page.  After many versions, I think I have finally found the one I like.  Go check it out if you haven’t seen it and let me know what you think.  I spent hours and hours learning Picasa 3 (whilst housework piled up around me!) but I think I finally have got it worked out.  Next will be a new look for the blog.

There are many more thoughts in this head of mine…but that’s enough offloading for today!  Hope you’re all having a wonderful day.  What thoughts have been rattling round in your head?

9 replies »

  1. Know the feeling of having so much rattle around in my head! Sometimes it helps to just get it out there. Hope you figure out the ereader. I got a kindle a few years ago and absolutely love it. But remember being frustrated setting it up. Good luck 🙂


    • Thanks for your comment Krystle! I still have lots rattling around in my head today. Haven’t sorted the eReader out yet. I wanted a Kindle for xmas – but since I got the eReader via FlyBuy points – it might do – if I can work it out! LOL I am off to gym now – hopefully that will energise me and clear my head so that I can back to working out the eReader. xo


  2. Oh, a big happy birthday to your dad! Mine is in his mid 70’s and my mum is 79 so I know exactly how you feel.
    Enjoy that eBook! Makes me want to go and get one myself 🙂


    • Thanks Grace! My dad was a bit of a cradle snatcher – he is 10.5 years older than my mum. Mum is 71! 😉 I have yet to work out my eBook. Lunch now and then back to study the eBook manual! 🙂


  3. Happy birthday to your dad. Hope you get the hang of the ebook thingy. With all new technology I just usually play around with it on my own and get most of it. I know what you also mean about the washing. Never ending story.


    • Thank you! Still haven’t got around to working out my eBook thingy! lol When I get some time to play around with it, I’ll eventually get it sorted. Oh yeah washing – never ending isn’t it! 🙂
