Health, Wellbeing, Happiness

You can’t make people like you!

I really like this quote from Daves Words of Wisdom.

I can’t make people like me.  All I can do is show them who I am, how I feel and what I believe.  It’s up to them to understand my worth!

In the past, I would often go out of my way to adapt and change myself in whatever way I thought was necessary in order to make people like me, or at least have the best chance of making them like me.  Imagine how exhausting it is always putting up a facade, never relaxing and being yourself.  I didn’t do this with ALL people – usually only with people who I thought were better than me or more interesting or popular than me.

Now, I am quite content to just be myself.  If this means I lose friends along the way and am less popular than I am fine with that.  As you get older you realise that there is really only room in your life for sincere and genuine friends who like you for who you truly are.

As I’ve said before, through my blog I am standing my ground and showing the true me – by expressing how I FEEL and what I BELIEVE. I guess it is now up to others to understand and determine my worth!

The most important thing to me is to like myself!!  I talked about this in last Friday’s post – How do you define success?

There is another quote which I want to include today.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. – by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Linking up today with the gorgeous Grace and her Flog Yo Blog Friday.
Check out all the wonderful posts linked up there! Click on the FYBF button below.

20 replies »

  1. Completely agree, trying to be someone your not just to have lots of friends. I’ve always said I value quality of friends than quantity of friends. Jumping over from FYBF by Kate from Redemption In Progress


  2. HI Min,
    That is so true in every way. We can only be who we truly are.
    I think I’ve also had to learn over the years that not everybody will like me, and that’s okay….
    Lovely to have discovered your blog via FYBF!
    Ronnie xo


  3. Such wise words. I think it’s hard to know who you are when you’re young and hence find identity. I have found this particularly difficult since having kids, and only recently have I kind of felt like I’ve grown into being a mum. For a long time I felt like I was pretending or sething, not sure if that makes sense?

    Great post thought, love the quote!


    • Hi Krystle – I know exactly what you mean about when you become a mother. I think at first you feel like you are ‘role playing’ what you believe a mother should be like. Sort of like playing dress-ups or pretend as a child 🙂 Eventually, you find your real mother self. As mothers we need to be careful to not expect perfection. No mother is perfect – but we all love our children with passionate intensity 🙂 .. like the tigress I mentioned in my post about ‘apron strings’. xo


  4. I am at the same point in my life, I now understand that being myself and doing my best to like myself are far more important then trying to please others and make them like me…
    Found you via FYBF


    • So glad you have come to this realisation Beck 🙂 It took me a long time to get here. Isnt FYBF fantastic for finding other likeminded bloggers! 🙂 xo


  5. This is great! Only recently have I grown to be comfortable with the fact that not everyone I meet in life is going to like me, and that I shouldn’t let it get to me. I mean, it’s not like I am a huge fan of every person I ever meet! So it’s nice to be in a place where I can be comfortable with it, accepting of it. Great post. Love the quotes x


    • Hi Kelly – it is hard sometimes to not take it personally if someone doesnt seem to like you, but liking yourself is far more important and if you like yourself I think you are more likely to draw people to you and more people will like you! I’m not a huge fan of every person I meet either LOL 😉 xo


    • Totally agree Rhianna! Blogging is helping me to find my voice and confidence and much more! I’m also finding like-minded people through blogging which is just wonderful 🙂


    • Spot on Zanni! 🙂 I love how you put that: “being authentic is so important, and the key to successful friendships and relationships”. Very clever and so true!


  6. I love this! I’m getting a lot more comfortable with not caring what other people think of me. It’s their loss 😉
