Health, Wellbeing, Happiness

I am a runner … in my dreams!

I really, really wanted to be a runner.  I could see it so clearly.  My long, lean body sailing through the air with ease, burning calories with every graceful stride.  Running wherever I wanted, out in nature like I love.  Running was easy.  I was fit and healthy and lean and graceful.

woman-running-outdoors[image credit]

Ok … so that was the dream – and I tried!  Back in 2011, I was really on top of my game.  I lost a lot of weight and was looking and feeling good!  I was eating clean and training mean.  Well as mean as I could manage anyway!  I struggled with running … got puffed out really quickly … but I kept trying and I did improve.  It was when I was on holidays at Bargara that I really put the effort in to become a runner.  I had the C25K running app (couch to 5kms) on my phone and I was committed every day of that holiday to following it.  It wasn’t long though before I got the message that I was not destined to be a runner – in the way of pain in my hips and knees.  I didn’t know it then, but I had osteoarthritis and all that running was aggravating it.

I knew that I did not have the body of a runner or in fact of an athlete of any type really.  I mean, I’m vertically challenged at just a smidge over 5ft and though I like to imagine that I have long lean legs, they are in fact um … not.  This did not sway me though, but the pain in my hips and knees did.  So, I decided then that I was a walker with some intervals of running … sometimes.

Fast forward to now, the very beginning of 2014.  While I have spent the last 1.5 years exploring my inners (me, myself and I), I have neglected my outers (body).  I have been a little self indulgent in that I have been reflecting, exploring and writing my way to finding out who I am, what I like to do etc so that I can create a future of loving what I do and doing what I love.  I am very glad I have done this, but it is time to come clean and admit that I have let myself go somewhat whilst doing it.

I have gained some serious poundage!  Late last year (only just over a week ago!), I decided that enough was enough, it was time to do something about it.  I saw a Dietician yesterday and you know what?  I don’t think she told me anything I didn’t already know.  I think I just needed to see someone to feel accountable in some way … you know?  Anyway, together we identified my main problem areas.  Here they are:

  • My portion sizes (particularly for dinner) have got waaay too big
  • I’m an emotional eater.  I snack sometimes when I’m not even hungry but rather just for something to do or for a treat or a pick me up.
  • I have not been doing any regular exercise.  I know, I know … a big no, no.

So today, I created a spreadsheet.  I’m tracking what food I eat.  I’m not counting calories because I hate doing that and besides, I know what is good food and what is not.  I’m tracking what exercise I do and the big one … I weighed myself this morning and it was not pretty.  I needed a start weight and I’ll be weighing myself once a week and tracking my weight loss … and there WILL be weight loss.  It may not be fast but that is ok.

I decided that I need to design a weight loss regime that is sustainable for me.  It has to realistic and something I can stick with FOR LIFE.  I cannot cope with excessive, intensive exercise so have identified walking (with some intervals of running), swimming and aqua aerobics in my pool (perfect for me who hates being hot), yoga and some Wii Fit activities as my exercise of choice for now.  I would also like to buy some dumbbells for some weight training for toning – particularly for my arms.

Another avenue that for various reasons, that I won’t go into now, I plan to investigate is going ‘gluten free’.  I’m doing my research and I plan to cut out the major gluten laden foods that I currently eat.  I believe that this will have a significant impact on improving my general overall health.  This topic will most likely be a whole other blog post in the near future! 😉

Today, before I was allowed to float in the pool (as I love to do), I had to do 15 minutes of non-stop action in the pool.  I set a timer on my phone.  I swam laps, held on to a noodle and kicked for laps and walked from one side of the pool and back.  I mixed it up and before I knew it the 15 minutes was up.  It’s not a lot but it is a good start.

Min in pool

And there I am after the fact, just before I allowed myself to float.  I didn’t want to get my hair wet so had it pinned up.  I was pretty successful, even though some escaped.  I’ve got my glasses on because after the glare of the sun, I couldn’t see or read my phone without them (the joys of middle age!).

Tomorrow, I will be dusting off the treadmill!  I know they are boring things but it is just too hot for me to go walking outdoors at the moment.   If I was a morning person, I’d be down at the waterfront for a walk at 5am … but I’m not a morning person … yet anyway.

So the weight loss regime has begun.  I’ll let you know how I go.  Wish me luck!

Min Signature - Dec13

Linking up with With Some Grace’s #FYBF

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14 replies »

  1. Gorgeous photo Min! And I hear you – I’ve grown a very unattractive food and booze baby and it simply HAS TO GO!!! I am also going off to dust off the dreaded treadmill, fire up some good music and get wobbling! Good luck lovely xx


    • Thankyou! Good luck with getting rid of your food and booze baby. I’m sure you will whip it into submission in no time. In fact, I can’t see any sign of it in the photo’s of you paddleboarding. You look great! xo


  2. Good for you Min. I am about to start an online PT 8 week course: not for the weight but to actually get fit & healthy again after the 6 years of babies & breastfeeding. Looking forward to hearing about how you go 🙂


    • Thanks so much! I really need to see some results quite soon to keep me inspired so I’m feeling quite strong and committed at the moment 🙂 Good luck with the PT course. That would be really interesting! Yes I know what you mean about years of babies and breastfeeding. I don’t think my body has ever really recovered and my youngest is now 18!


  3. How awesome are you! You are actually doing it/ making it happen and I hope the results come quickly for you. You have given me some inspiration today…2014 has to be a year I get my body back!


    • Thank you Caroline! It’s taken me a long time to wake up to myself but it’s reached a point where I don’t want to go out because I look so fat in my clothes. SO…time for action. I hope the results come quickly too because that will really spur me on to keep going. Good luck to you also – hopefully we’ll both be slim & fab very soon! 😉 xo


  4. Gorgeous pic Min. I loved reading this post. I am a runner and at 22 weeks pregnant and already 10kgs over my normal weight, I cant weight to get back into it later in the year. Good for you for making positive changes to your lifestyle and it’s great that you’re not counting calories. It really needs to be a lifestyle change to see an overall improvement. Feel free to email me with a weekly weigh in. I’ll help motivate you. I also struggle with portion sizes and have lots of digestive problems and am quite keen to also explore the gluten free diet. 🙂 xxx


    • Thank you! Oh you lucky thing being a runner. I really wanted to be one but not to be. How exciting for you to be expecting a baby! Have you got one of those prams that runners use? If you’re a runner I bet you do. They would be fantastic in allowing you to get back into running after having bub – no need for a babysitter coz you can take the baby with you! Yes – I don’t like getting caught up in calorie counting. I know what is good for me and what is not and I know what the right portion sizes are for proteins etc. I would love all the help that I can get in keeping motivated! I’m thinking of posting a weekly post on my progress. Will that bore people? I thought it was a way to keep me feeling accountable and motivated because I won’t be wanting to post weight gains now will I!! I’m still looking into the gluten free side of things but am quite sure that this is a path I want to go down. xo


  5. Good luck with your mission. It is a hard time of year to get back on the exercise regime but at least there are plenty of other motivated people around too!


  6. Good luck Min! I am currently re-starting my lose baby weight regime and I have started doing Lite n Easy. For me its the best solution to eating well as I hate cooking, and it’s so much more convenient to be able to just grab my lunch or dinner ready to go from the fridge when I have two munchkins demanding all of my time. I did a trial week just before Christmas and lost 2kgs so I am keen to see how I go over a good 6-12 week period. I have also downloaded the C25K app on my phone as, like you, I dream of being a runner. I haven’t started yet as I have been struggling to find the time when both munchkins are asleep or being looked after, and when it’s not too stinking hot!

    Good luck with you quest, it’s not easy but I think having the mindset of it being for life, and a new lifestyle, rather than a diet or quick-fix makes all the difference. Well, it has been for me anyway!


    • Thanks Kylie! Good luck with Lite n Easy. I’d love to try something like that but I’ve got to cook for a family of five so may as well cook for myself! I don’t mind cooking but I do get sick of it!! I’m sure you’ll have better luck with C25K than me! It’s a hard time of year for exercise (with this heat) – I guess early mornings or late afternoon are the best times. Good luck to you (and me) ha! xo


  7. Go, you! I’ve heard that tracking what you eat is the key to weight loss success.
    I’m terrible with my food portions too and don’t get me started on the emotional eating! The worse!
    Look forward to hearing how it all goes, Min! x
